What is the most common complication of a facelift? Is a face lift high risk? in Turkey, Antalya

Main Risks of Facelift Surgery

Similar to other surgeries, at a face lift operation, there may be certain hazards. There are some circumstances that are not typical of a surgery and healing process, cannot be anticipated before the surgery, but are likely to occur. With the right assistance, the majority of these negatives may be avoided.

What is the most common complication of a facelift? in Turkey, Antalya?


The possibility of bleeding after a face lift treatment is quite low, as it is with any surgical procedure. The situation is often not serious, and bleeding may be halted with simple methods. Note that some medications can cause more bleeding (such as blood thinners or aspirin). Blood coagulation issues and the patient's vascular system both have the potential to cause bleeding. It should be remembered that those with hypertension, those who take blood thinners, those who smoke or drink, and those who neglect general after-surgery care are more likely to experience bleeding.

Edema (bloating)

Following surgery, edema is frequently observed. It could last for two to three weeks. After a face lift procedure, there will likely be some facial swelling and edema, which is normal and lasts for two to three weeks. Circulatory, hormonal, and allergy conditions can all contribute to long-lasting edema.

Blood buildup at the site of surgery (hematoma)

Blood may accumulate under the skin in the suture regions, however this is uncommon. This typically occurs as a result of postoperative bleeding from the tiny blood vessels. Hematomas continue to be little. Under sterile circumstances, compressed dressings can be applied or can be discharged with a needle.

Unevenness beneath the chin

Because the skin rests on the deep tissues underneath in patients who have had fat tissue removed from under their chin, a minor irregularity may still be present in the chin's line.

Skin creases

After a face lift procedure, the extra skin that is shown may produce a little amount of edema where the skin is folded. Over time, these lumps often dissipate. If the swelling persists, correction can be accomplished with straightforward surgeries.

Asymmetries in percentages

Small or significant asymmetries may develop after face lift surgery, albeit this is uncommon. In actuality, each part of his face is unique from the others. It's possible that the asymmetries, which are often in question before to surgery, get worse as a result of the procedure. As was already noted, unbalanced outcomes are quite uncommon.

The earlobe's appearance might be altered.

The earlobe may look stuck following surgery in some patients with extensive earlobe drooping or enlarged earlobes. Additionally, a quick procedure can readily fix this unusual occurrence.

A second operation could be necessary (Revision)

A second plastic surgery could be required owing to asymmetry, depression, or irregularities. It is typically required to wait 6-12 months before taking remedial action if a problem or a condition that has to be remedied appears following the operation.


Following the procedure, infection might arise. There is a chance of infection when the skin's integrity is compromised. When a skilled surgeon does a face lift, the risk of infection is quite minimal. With the administration of antibiotics following sterile surgery, the infection level is stated to be at 1%. Infection typically develops near the cut on the scalp. With the right care, the infection may frequently be managed.

Nerve Injury

Less than 1% of face nerves are reportedly injured during a cosmetic lift procedure. There is a reduction in the actions of the muscles depending on the region of the nerve that is damaged. Facial muscular weakness is often transient and should go away in a few months. However, lasting nerve injury is also possible.


After all surgical treatments, there may be more or fewer face scars left. Less scarring is guaranteed with the proper placement of the incision sites, the choice of the suture material, and the method. The creation of face scars can be influenced by diet, smoking, and care.

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The objective of this article is informational and advising. Prioritise the advice given by the surgeon who will assess you and perform your procedure.
